Sunday, October 19, 2008

FoneKey "Reinventing Hospitality"

FoneKey ( is a very cool tool invented for a guest to manage their own hotel stay. Essentially FoneKey allows for guests to use their mobile phone as the key to their guest room. Using SMS technology "the mobile phone and the door lock communicate with each other." Upon check in a guests phone will be configured with a unique code specifically for their room, additionally the guest will create their own password to work in conjunction with the SMS code to ensure security. In order to open the room door, the guest will have to hold their phone in the direction of the lock and simultaneously type in their password. The unique pass code and password will be erased upon check out so that the phone would require reconfiguration to return to the room.

After FoneKey configuration guests have the ability to customize and control their entire hotel stay. Guests have the opportunity to set room temperature and lighting as well as, order food and beverage directly from their phone. Also, guests have the ability to post their privacy settings allowing house keepers to know when they can and cannot enter the room. Additionally, guests can request any special needs and notify hotel staff regarding any lat minute changes or requirements. FoneKey also allows guests to review and pay their bill using their mobile device.

I think this is a very unique invention which has the potential for a great impact on the hospitality industry if hotels choose to adopt the technology. What will likely be the company’s greatest barrier to entry is guests perceived lack of security. In today’s world we are constantly taught that what happens on our cell phones is not necessarily private and like the internet we should be wary of how we use it. However, if FoneKey can overcome this barrier I think they offer a great product which has the potential to reduce a traveler (specifically a business persons) hotel stay. I also think that for the luxury or vacation traveler this technology may not be suitable. When on a vacation many individuals like the ability to disconnect from their world for a period of time and therefore, may want a traditional card key so as to extend their vacationing pleasure and not having to be burdened by bringing their cell phone to the pool. If I were working on the marketing and positioning of FoneKey I would strongly suggest that the technology be targeted toward traditionally business oriented facilities.

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